An Interesting Life

Welp, Micro Wrestling was a blast. I was having second thoughts about it but it ended up being a great time.

I have never been a fan of pro wrestling. I’m still not.

So naturally I had my reservations about this event; however, I’m still in my “Say yes” to pretty much any new experience era so I went. I’m so glad I did.

They had costumes. They had made up stage names. They were shit talking to the crowd so we had an actual villain to root against. It was fake as hell. It was awesome!

One of the best parts was we were outside sitting in chairs in the volleyball pits. It was a beautiful evening, not too humid with a nice breeze blowing. My friends and I got to sit in our chairs, enjoying a drink with the sand between our toes. I would definitely go again.

Anyway, last night as I was waiting to see Henry Cho a colleague of mine texted me. She had seen my post on Facebook.


I have the most interesting life. I’ve had other people I work with say that, or some variation of that, to me as well. Seriously!

Give a bonfire a name, like the spring equinox bonfire, and have a cup of bean soup and suddenly people are like, “You do the most interesting things! I want to hang out with you.”

Call it a burning ceremony instead of a bonfire and everyone is like, “You are so intriguing!”

You go to Micro Wrestling and people say, “Where do you find these things?”

I’m not sure I would go so far as to say I have a interesting life. I think rather I simply have a life. Unlike those who are in relationships I am actively looking for things to do to fill my time. I don’t do things that don’t interest me. I’m willing to try new things. I would say I live a varied life. But hey, if everyone else wants to think I’m the most interesting woman in the world… I’m okay with that. It did make me smile. It also made me realize how far I’ve come since last January.

Last January I was sobbing mess. He was my whole life and I had no idea how I was going to go on. Even worse was the fact that I knew in my gut he had already moved on. He had a whole new life while I was a little lost soul, crushed under the weight of my grief. Now 18 months later I’m being told I have the most interesting life.


4 thoughts on “An Interesting Life

  1. Sam, you are having a very interesting life because you are going out of your comfort zone and enjoying yourself. Most people would be at home whining about their lives. You have shown your followers and your friends to get up off their backside and live life.
    Good on you.πŸ˜€πŸ‘πŸ‘


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